Join our community of generous monthly donors on mission to get the message of Jesus to every people group.
Choose an amount to give per month.

All donations are secure and tax-deductible.
Choose an amount to give per month.
All donations are secure and tax-deductible.
Through your consistent support,
we can send native missionaries
to take the message of Jesus
to unreached people,
fulfilling the Great Commission
at a fraction of the cost
of traditional missions models.
When you join the Tribe, our passionate community of monthly partners, you help get the gospel to every tribe every single month. And unlike other monthly subscriptions like Netflix or Amazon, this monthly giving results in salvation and churches planted among the least-reached people in the world. What could be better than that!
"Dollar for dollar, AIMS is the most efficient and effective organization we have ever seen at spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth. We have been so blessed over the years, and we believe it’s a result of sowing into good soil like AIMS."
"I want to see as many people as possible join the kingdom of God, so I give to AIMS because I know my giving results in native missionaries going to those who have never heard about Jesus."
“We love partnering with AIMS because that is how we touch the unreached people with the love of Jesus.”