your prayers make a difference for the unreached.

"When we work, we work. When we pray, God works."

hudson taylor - missionary to china

Global prayer team

Join the AIMS Global Prayer Team and play a vital role in God's mission to reach Unreached People Groups. As a member, you will:

  • Stay Informed and Inspired: Receive quarterly emails packed with urgent prayer requests and inspiring testimonies from native missionaries.

  • Engage in Community Prayer: Get personal invitations to our quarterly live online prayer gatherings, where you can unite with like-minded believers in interceding for Unreached People Groups.

Become a vital part of this transformative mission today!

join the global prayer team

adopt an unreached people group

This is a commitment to pray for an Unreached People Group. Prayer is the first work of missions and opens doors for the gospel to go forth. As you commit to pray on a regular basis and care about an ethnic group, God knits your heart with theirs. Around here, we call this “adopting a people group.”

commit to ADOPT an unreached people group

Want to put your finances where your prayers are going? For about $3 a day, you can sponsor a native missionary to be sent to your adopted Unreached People Group.

sponsor a missionary

how to pray for


unreached people groups

view prayer points

how to pray for


unreached people groups

view prayer points

how to pray for


unreached people groups

view prayer points

how to pray for


unreached people groups

view prayer points

how to pray for


unreached people groups

view prayer points