get involved//

working together for greater impact

partnership opportunities

no matter how big or small you feel your ability to contribute, there is a place for you!

people group adoption

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regional coordinator

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field worker

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people group adoption

//individuals, churches, organizations, small groups

people group adoption

//individuals, churches, organizations, small groups

Whether you are an individual, a business, a church, or another ministry organization, you can gain access to an unevangelized ethnic group by committing to adopt an Unreached People Group (UPG).

get details about upg adoption

partner ministries

//ministries, organizations

partner ministries

//ministries, organizations

If you are active in an organization offering holistic resources, training, funding, or specialized ministry, AIMS would like to partner with you for greater effectiveness.

Let's Talk

Fill out the contact form and an AIMS team member will get in touch with you.

contact form

regional coordinator


regional coordinator


Do you live in close proximity to unreached ethnic groups?
Do you desire to mobilize a missionary effort to see these people come to know Jesus?

Motivated leaders like you can be equipped with the resources you need to build teams and help coordinate strategic efforts to send missionaries to your target Unreached People.

Let's Talk

Fill out the contact form and an AIMS team member will get in touch with you.

contact form





Are you passionate about God’s Word and gifted to teach?
Do you have a heart for missions?

Get certified to teach AIMS strategic missions curriculum to churches and leaders all over the world.

Let's Talk

Fill out the contact form and an AIMS team member will get in touch with you.

contact form

field worker


field worker


Do you have access to an unreached group and desire to see them come to know Jesus?
Can you speak their language and understand their culture?

Become a missionary to an Unreached People Group.

Take Action

We would love to talk with you about the stirring in your heart. Fill out the contact form and an AIMS team member will get in touch with you.

contact form





Do you desire to apply your time and talent to help the Gospel be preached to those who have never heard?

Become an AIMS volunteer at the Colorado Springs Headquarters.

Contact Us

Take action today to begin making an eternal difference.

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